Duke of Edinburgh's Award

WBV to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh's Award!
We are delighted to announce that WBV is becoming a directly licensed centre for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. The DofE is the world's leading youth achievement award and has inspired and transformed the lives of many young people from all walks of life. From volunteering to physical activities, life skills to expeditions, achieving a DofE Award is a passport to a brighter future, valued by employers and universities.
WBV will be inviting pupils in year 9 and year 10 to apply for the programme with the aim of beginning the Bronze level award in September 2017.
There will be assemblies to both year groups next week (tues 13th yr9 and weds 14th yr10) where students can collect a letter detailing information about an upcoming parents' information evening on Wednesday 21 June at 5pm.
Please use the link below for the DofE application form.