Quality in Careers Standard

Woodbrook Vale is delighted to announce that we are currently working towards gaining accreditation in the Quality in Careers Standard which is the national quality award for careers education, advice and guidance in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.
The Quality in Careers Standard is “strongly recommended” by, and fully complies with, the Department for Education’s statutory guidance.
Woodbrook Vale is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance for all students in year groups 7 – 11. Each student has access to a Level 6 qualified Career Guidance practitioner who is employed by the school and delivers 1:1 individualised and impartial advice. This guidance will be timely and proactive and will recognise each student’s strengths, weaknesses and aspirations
We aim to inspire students, and provide real-life contact with employers and professionals, so that when students are required to make important decisions at key transition points, they understand where different choices could take them.
Woodbrook Vale School’s Careers policy adheres to the Career Development Institute Code of Ethics and follows the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. We review our careers programme regularly via the Compass Plus Evaluation Toolkit.
Our careers programme will:
● Enable students to make informed choices for the next stage of their education
● Contribute to raising achievement, by increasing motivation and aspiration.
● Support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity
● Encourage participation in continued learning through apprenticeships and further education
● Develop enterprise and employment skills
● Contribute to the economic prosperity of individuals and communities
● Meet the needs of all our students through appropriate differentiation
● Provide parents/carers with relevant information regarding GCSE choices and post-16 education to enable them to assist their child in making informed decisions.
At Woodbrook Vale, all students should be able to develop a positive self-image in relation to future learning and work related roles, based on an accurate assessment of abilities and aptitudes. All students will acquire a sound understanding of the range of opportunities available through learning and work, and of career progression pathways, and be able to develop skills to make effective decisions and to reflect upon those decisions.