School Uniform and Equipment

Uniform is an important part of the ethos of Woodbrook Vale; we receive many positive comments from visitors about how smart our students look and how well they represent our school. We appreciate the support that parents are able to provide in maintaining these high standards.
Parents may now be taking the opportunity to purchase new uniform and equipment. I would like to remind parents of our high expectations so that correct items can be purchased and trust that we will have your full support on the rare occasions where we need to challenge in this regard.
Students will continue to wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE on their timetable. Compulsory items (blazer, tie and PE hoodie, PE polo shirt and check skirt) should be purchased through the school website. These items have been custom made for Woodbrook Vale and are embossed with the school logo. If your child is entitled to pupil premium, we may be able to support you with uniform purchases or if you require support in terms of knowing which sizes to purchase, please contact Mrs Hibberd in the Student Office – We also have a supply of good quality pre-loved uniform available. We welcome donations of uniform where students have outgrown it.
Our uniform expectations are as follows:
- Shirts must be white and tucked in at all times.
- Trousers must be formal. No skinny trousers, jean style, chinos, leggings or tracksuit bottoms are allowed.
- Ties should be worn to an acceptable length with the school logo visible. A clip-on tie is available if required.
- Jumpers must be plain black, no logo and worn under the blazer not instead of the blazer.
- Footwear must be plain black with no logo. Sandals or boots are not permissible.
- Outerwear must be a plain coat or a layer worn over the blazer.
- On PE days students should only wear the Woodbrook Vale PE Hoodie. Shorts should be of an acceptable length.
- One pair of stud earrings is permissible. Apart from this, for safety and security reasons, jewellery, including bracelets, necklaces, rings and nose, face, oral or body jewellery should not be worn in school. If such jewellery is worn students will be expected to remove it. It may be confiscated and students and/or parents/carers will be informed when it can be collected.
- Tattoos are not permitted.
- Make-up is not permitted in Years 7 and 8.
- Light makeup in Years 9, 10 and 11 is allowed.
- False eyelashes are not permitted.
- Nail varnish, including acrylic or gel nails are not appropriate for school and should not be worn.
- Hair styles should not be extreme. This includes closely shaved, decoratively shaved or vivid coloured hairstyles.
- The school would wish to be sensitive towards students who choose to wear a specific item if it is for a religious reason.
Students need to be ready to learn, which includes bringing a school bag and the correct equipment to school each day. All students must have the following equipment with them at all times:
- Blue/Black pen (x2)
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Highlighter
- Coloured pencils/pens
- Scientific calculator
- Eraser
- A suitable reading book
All equipment should be in a labelled pencil case.
Mobile phones
If a student needs to bring a mobile phone to school it must be switched off and in the school bag. Mobile phones will be confiscated and parents required to collect them every time if students are found to have them on their person or out during the school day.
I trust that this information will be helpful to you in planning for the next academic year and thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Sarah Anderson
Deputy Headteacher