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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Help and Advice

SEE it.  Speak out.  Be Supported

Thousands of young people experience bullying behaviour every day. They often don’t speak out about it because they are scared of what might happen or they are unsure about who to tell or how to report it online. We want to change this by showing young people that they deserve to be heard and that help and support are available. 

Experiencing bullying behaviour can make you feel small, lonely and like you have no voice. You may think that even if you did manage to say something, no one would believe you. 

But when you finally work up the courage to share this burden, something incredible often happens... people say, ‘I’m here for you’.

Speaking your mind can seem scary but it’s worth it. It can take time to find the right listener to understand the problem. But the more helpful people that recognise your situation, the better you’ll feel.  All staff members at Woodbrook Vale School are available fo you to talk to.

If a friend tells you they are experiencing bullying behaviour, it can be a very upsetting and emotional time. You may feel unsure about what to do to help them. It’s important to listen and let them know you are there for them. 

No-one should face bullying alone.

If you feel that your friend needs the support of the school, report any incidents to a member of staff face to face poor by using the email report link below.